High school students interested in healthcare careers are able to serve as CNA interns in Carroll County Schools through a partnership between the system’s Health Services Department, College & Career Academy and Work Based Learning.
Starting this school year, five students who have completed the Therapeutic Care/Patient Care pathway through CCA, passed their Certified Nursing Assistant exams and successfully completed an interview process are working in elementary school clinics in both the Temple and Villa Rica clusters.
“It's exciting to have our College & Career Academy students who have obtained their Certified Nursing Assistant certifications working with our staff in the clinics,” Lead Nurse Patty Younker said. “It's an opportunity for them to gain valuable medical experience and skills. We hope they develop a passion for school health and return one day to work as a colleague."
Interns work in elementary school clinics for two hours each day assisting school nurses and clinic assistants in providing medical care to students. Interns gain clinical experience, explore a nursing career first-hand and are paid an hourly wage.
For the nurses and clinic assistants, the interns provide valuable help, especially when a number of students visit the clinic at the same time. One goal of the program is to introduce students to school nursing careers so that they will want to return and work full-time after completing school.